Brand Message

Love versus Rage is a streetwear clothing brand that supports the deterrence of Gun-Violence. LVR was established on October 31st, 2023. In dedication to Michael Allen. LVR strives to mend broken homes who are subject to these tragedies and spread awareness of the reality that remains after a temporary emotions and thoughtless actions. Gun violence claims the lives of many. The change starts here. CEO, Mikayla Allen navigated grief through exploring emotional intelligence and mental wellbeing. LVR illustrates the thin line between love and rage indicating the two are incapable of coexisting.

About us

CEO and founder Mikayla Allen grew up in Baltimore city. Graduated high school in 2016. Mikayla then went on to pursue higher education in Forensics and Criminal Justice Studies. Since a child, Mikayla’s greatest aspiration was becoming a lawyer. After learning the scopes of the field Mikayla grew an attraction to crime scene investigation after bingeing shows like “ NCIS” and “Law & Order”. Life took an unfortunate turn when Mikayla’s world turned upside down. Mikayla lost her father to gun violence. Gun violence is all to common in cities like Baltimore where many are harboring the reality of broken homes, addictions, undiagnosed mental health, inadequate basic needs of living, street codes, and poverty which fuels the anger, ignorance, and suffering witnessed during youth and transpires beyond. Some develop this lifestyle and never “make it out”. Growing up, I learned that the blue print to life is love and belonging. As humans, we desire closeness, we value the intimacy between love as it equates to satisfaction. My father gave me exactly that. He was nurturing and instilled the ways of life into us daily. He taught me the meaning of love, in the toughest way possible. He taught me the reality that navigating life can quickly make or break you. He exposed me to the truth, while sowing that I never encounter it. He vauled and devoted his life to his family. If you asked him, what was his greatest aspirations I’m certainly sure he would say his wife and children. Growing up, I feared disappointment. I had such high expectations to meet. I sat on a pedestal that as a child discovering the world, I didn’t ask for. I feared rejection, not being perfect, how people would interpret my flaws. I equated disappointment with being unworthy. I always upheld this self- image. Now, I realize that these are reflections of things I’ve formed habit in, covered up, extending from childhood. I experienced early what it was like to go from “rags” to “riches”. I experienced what it was like to come from nothing into something. Better school systems, safer neighborhoods, greater opportunities which are the blue prints to a greater life. The years to follow in one way or another, worked themself out. In 2018, I published my first book titled “uncensored” which displays the events of my life. Uncensored by Mikayla Allen can be found on Amazon. It was at that point, that I noticed I had a natural talent of creating. Undeniably, I am a splitting reflection of my father who through out his life worked a 9-5 and held many businesses such as a clothing brand, a bar & restaurant, and a music label. This was my first example of the sky being the limit. The thing I miss the most, is his lessons, his acts of service. How cooking was effortlessly to him and to everyone else it transpired as love. How much joy it must have been. I adapted that nurturing spirit that collided with my addictive personality. I find myself to be a empath. Which simply means, I am able to receive and pick apart emotions of anyone standing in the same room. I am able to read energy. My souls orchestrates at an high frequency. I become invested into everything I translate to attachment often attempting to make it my own. I’ve been practicing boundaries which will allow me to authentically be who I am, without forming attachment. Early on I had divine attachment to crafts.These came naturally. Life continues to push me into entrepreneurialism that will allow me to spread awareness, while changing lives. This journey is pivotal to severing my suffering as it is outlet that crushes comfort zones, opens new doors and forms new tables. The outlet, a gift of God, used as coping mechanisms navigated me through life. Outlets that carried me through grief, trauma, mental anguish, suicide ideation, and a host of others. These things which don’t have targeted ages, races, or ethnicities only harsh realities. I understand my purpose in life, a learner and healer, by being an reflection. Breaking one generational curse at a time.


Our goal is to create generational wealth with style. Creating generational for us will look like changing the narrative of being susceptible to an environment by providing resources that will dispose a standard of living and diminish the “by any means necessary” mindset developed in youth. With proper resources, comes healthy environmental adaptations. There is more to life than drugs, alcohol, and violence. These won’t have to be coping mechanisms. Creating generational wealth allows for therapy that will change the stigma surrounding mental health in both women and men. Allowing each generation to pursue aspirations in life not only limited to where you come from. There is a shift emerging allowing entrepreneurship, creators, trades, and business owners to successfully stand alongside doctors, lawyers, and everything one could imagine. If we instill safety, love, and belonging the sky is the limit.

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